
New webinars (Nov 15 and Nov 22)

Plant Health

Unlock the power of Plant Empowerment principles to achieve more profitable and sustainable greenhouse cultivation. Our multidisciplinary team of Plant Empowerment implementation partners has harnessed real-world insights to help growers grow healthy and resilient crops.

In addition to the course Plant Health, we’re thrilled to announce two new webinars, taking place on November 15 and November 22, at 4 p.m. CET. Register for the plant health course and elevate your greenhouse practices.

Register for the course


Published: October 14, 2023 Share?

Healthy plants generate the highest possible yields

Over the past couple of decades, nutrition in high-tech crops has become largely dominated by synthetic fertilizers. This has enabled production levels to be continuously improved. But these production improvements have come at a price: the constant threat of pests and diseases. This initially led to the widespread usage of chemical crop protection agents in high-yielding crops. The recent trend towards more sustainable approaches – such as breeding varieties with natural resistances, or the use of integrated pest management – tackle the symptoms rather than the underlying cause: weakened plant health. So what exactly is ‘plant health’?

Real-life projects worldwide

The success of this integrated approach has been demonstrated in various real-life projects worldwide. Plant Empowerment has gained valuable insights into how to grow healthy and resilient crops in an integrated and sustainable way. Heritage Farms, for example, is taking a holistic view of the optimal temperatures and humidity levels through the use of screening, better air quality and more air rotation, the right nutrients in the slab, and a better assimilate balance. And the results look very promising. They finally expect to complete a full ten-month crop cycle this year, putting them on track to achieve 30kg per m2. In fact, they hope to push through to October or November, which will be nearly a whole year since planting.

The full course

  • 1. How to grow a healthy plant

    During the first part of the educational program, trainers Mark van der Werf and Floris van der Helm give you an introduction to plant health. What factors are necessary for a plant to become “healthy” and how can growers influence those factors? During the table discussion, some of these factors will be discussed.

    Trainers: Mark van der Werf (Plant Health Specialist) and Floris van der Helm (Specialist Vegetables)
  • 2. How minerals influence plant health
    During the second part of the educational program, specialists Marc van Oers and Sjoerd Smits focus on minerals. Minerals play a key role in the functioning of a plant. What are exactly the functions of all these minerals and how do they affect plant health? Are we supplying the optimum diet for plants already or can we still make some improvements? Trainers: Marc van Oers (Innovations Specialist), and Sjoerd Smits (Plant Nutrition Specialist)
  • 3. How to create a solid foundation for healthy plants
    The third course is all about the foundation. A solid foundation is a “must-have” for a healthy crop. This means we need the right genetics and a good plan. During this session, specialists Jochim Reybrouck and Evripidis Papadopoulos discuss how genetics are the bases for a healthy crop. And a good strategy is crucial to avoid stressful situations. Trainers: Evripidis Papadopoulos (Data Analyst), and Maria Muschitiello (Product Specialist Tomatoes)
  • 4. How substrates and irrigation strategies contribute to healthy plants
    In the final course, specialists Arjan Zwinkels and Remy Maat discuss substrate properties and irrigation strategies and how they affect plant health. The health of the plant starts around the roots. Roots are working together with microbes to get enough water and minerals. In the same area, pathogens are constantly looking for a chance to attack. Trainers: Arjan Zwinkels (Substrate Specialist) and Remy Maat (Irrigation Specialist)
  • Webinar: Plant health in the substrate (Nov 15)

    Join us for the webinar, "Plant health in the substrate" where we'll explore the vital role of oxygen for microlife in substrates and compare stone wool and wood fibre substrates in relation to the microbiome. You learn about pH development during organic-nitrogen breakdown, bacteria activity at various pH levels, and the importance of pH stability for a healthy microbiome. And we uncover new insights into microlife analysis to learn about the connection between microlife and pest control.

    Trainers: Arjan Zwinkels (Substrate Specialist), Thom van Wesel (Irrigation Specialist) and David de Dijk (Plant Health Specialist)
  • Webinar: How to create the perfect fertilizer schedule (Nov 22)

    Join us for the webinar, "How to create the perfect fertilizer schedule" where we'll explore a plant's essential needs, such as light and water, and the impacts of excess or deficiency. Nutrients are a central focus during the webinar, where we share the optimal efficiency, seasonal variations, and nutrient uptake through irrigation. Discover water purification techniques, nutrient preservation during discharge, and the role of air circulation in nutrient absorption.

    Trainers: Ruud Schulte (Innovation Specialist), Sander Vermeer (Fertilizer Specialist) and Jochim Reybrouck (High Tech Crop Specialist)

Ticket sales

The specialists will provide new insights relating to the benefits of the Plant Empowerment philosophy in the online sessions.

You can register for the full course and two webinars for €179.95*, or become a full Plant Empowerment member to gain access to all available courses, workshops, ebooks, and upcoming learning materials.*.

* All revenue generated by this online training course will be reinvested in the further development of the Plant Empowerment philosophy.


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Project Manager

Jeannette den Boer

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