As of today, the successful English book “Plant Empowerment: The basic principles” is also available in Dutch. Thousands of copies of the English edition have been sold internationally.
Plant Empowerment releases
Dutch translation
Due to an increasing demand for translations of the book, it was decided to release a Dutch version. The Spanish translation will follow this autumn. The book will also be integrated into the curricula of various Dutch Horticultural educational institutes. The first copies were distributed to multiple stakeholders in the sector.
Internationally recognized cultivation method
Plant Empowerment is a unique cultivation method that puts the plant in its power. A strong and resilient plant is resistant to pests and diseases and delivers a higher production and better quality. At the same time, resources such as water, energy and nutrients are used more efficiently and fewer crop protection products are needed. This makes Plant Empowerment the road to sustainable horticulture. This approach also forms the basis for “Het Nieuwe Telen”, as developed in the Netherlands through the program “Kas als Energiebron”. This is a long-term collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and “Glastuinbouw Nederland”. The goal is to realize sustainable developments for greenhouse horticulture in the Netherlands. In this program the Plant Empowerment principles are central.
In 2018 publisher and data specialist, in collaboration with the founders of this philosophy, Jan Voogt, Peter Geelen and Peter van Weel, published the international bestseller ‘Plant Empowerment: The basic principles’. A book of more than 300 pages in which this unique cultivation method is explained. Thousands of copies have been sold worldwide. Partly commissioned by and with financial support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the book has now been translated into Dutch. In order to make it even more accessible to Dutch students and growers. As of today the book is available through the webshop. The Spanish translation will follow later this year.
Recognized methodology in agricultural education
Hundreds of Dutch books have already been pre-sold by various Dutch educational organizations. As of this year, Plant Empowerment will be integrated into the curricula of HAS Den Bosch University of Applied Science, Inholland University of Applied Sciences Delft and Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten. The new batch of horticultural experts will thus learn from an early age, to put the plant balances and needs central. This will accelerate the sustainability of the greenhouse horticulture sector. In addition, the authors of Plant Empowerment are in discussion with other universities and colleges worldwide for integration in their educational systems.
Working together on sustainable horticulture
In order to achieve the goal of making the horticultural sector more sustainable, cooperation between various groups of stakeholders, such as research and educational institutions, governments, growers, suppliers, crop advisors, etc. is the basis. These diverse group of stakeholders together, form the Plant Empowerment Community. The cultivation concept of Plant Empowerment is the way to focus the cooperation on integrated solutions for the common goal; a sustainable and profitable greenhouse horticulture. In the video in which the Dutch book is launched today, various stakeholders receive the book corona proof. In addition, during today’s “Tech Talks webinar” organized in collaboration with the World Horti Center, the first copies were presented live to Frank van der Helm, InHolland University of Applied Sciences and Mark Zwinkels, World Horti Center.
Interested in a copy? Order the Dutch book here.